'use strict'; var Request = require('./Request'); var Response = require('./Response'); var validationHelpers = require('./validation-helpers'); var hop = {}.hasOwnProperty;


Base class for service clients. Unlike Client does not provide any public methods so subclasses can declare them as they like, without having to override say a get() method.

Throws TypeError instances if illegal options are provided.

function BaseClient(options) {


var pathname, query, headers, overrideAuth, auth, transport; if (options) {

Configure a client when it's instantiated. If provided it must be an object. Only own-properties are considered.

if (typeof options !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('Expected `options` to be an object.'); }


Sets the pathname property. If given it must be a non-empty string. Cannot contain a ? search component, use the query option instead.

if (, 'pathname')) { if (typeof options.pathname !== 'string' || options.pathname === '') { throw new TypeError('Expected `pathname` to be a non-empty string.'); } else if (~options.pathname.indexOf('?')) { throw new TypeError('`pathname` cannot contain `?`.'); } pathname = options.pathname; }


Updates the query parameter list. Optional, but if given it must be an object. Only own-properties are considered as parameters.

Parameter names must not be empty strings. Values can be strings, finite numbers, and booleans. They'll be cast to strings if necessary.

if (, 'query')) { if (!options.query || typeof options.query !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('Expected `query` to be an object.'); } query = options.query; }


Updates the headers list. Optional, but if given it must be an object. Only own-properties are considered as headers.

Header names are downcased and may not be the same as other downcased names. They must not be empty strings either.

Values can be strings, finite numbers, and booleans. They'll be cast to strings if necessary. Values may be arrays, in which case each item will still need to be a string, finite number, or boolean. Again they'll be cast to strings if necessary. Array values are not allowed to include other arrays.

if (, 'headers')) { if (!options.headers || typeof options.headers !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('Expected `headers` to be an object.'); } headers = options.headers; }


Sets the auth property. If provided will override any existing default.

overrideAuth =, 'auth'); auth = options.auth;


Sets the transport property. Optional only if the client class provides a default transport. Must be an object, but other methods are not checked.

if (, 'transport')) { if (!options.transport || typeof options.transport !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('Expected `transport` to be an object.'); } transport = options.transport; } }


The remote path. Subclasses can set a default value on the prototype or instance before the base constructor is called. Such values must not include a query component. Defaults to /.

this.pathname = pathname || this.pathname || '/';


Flat list of parameters and values, e.g. ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'thud'] would correspond to foo=bar&baz=thud.

Subclasses can set an initial value on the prototype or instances before the base constructor is called. The query option is then added to this initial value. This can lead to duplicate parameters. Exactly how these are sent to the service depends on the behavior of the Request class.

When setting the initial value make sure the parameter names are non-empty strings and the values are strings.

if (query) { if (this.query) { this.query = this.query.concat(this._normalizeQuery(query)); } else { this.query = this._normalizeQuery(query); } } else if (this.query) {

To be safe, the initial query list is never used directly.

this.query = this.query.slice(); } else { this.query = []; }


Flat list of headers and values, e.g. ['content-type', 'text/plain'] would correspond to a content-type: text/plain header.

Subclasses can set an initial value on the prototype or instance before the base constructor is called. The headers option is then added to this initial value. This can lead to duplicate headers. Exactly how these are sent to the service depends on the behavior of the Request class.

When setting the initial value make sure the header names are non-empty, downcased strings and the values are strings, or flat arrays containing just strings.

if (headers) { if (this.headers) { this.headers = this.headers.concat(this._normalizeHeaders(headers)); } else { this.headers = this._normalizeHeaders(headers); } } else if (this.headers) {

To be safe, the initial headers list is never used directly.

this.headers = this.headers.slice(); } else { this.headers = []; }


Credential for authenticating with the service. Its format depends on the behavior of the Request class, which is responsible for including it in the request issued against the service.

Subclasses can set a default value on the prototype or instance before the base constructor is called. The auth option will override this default value.

if (overrideAuth) { this.auth = auth; } else { this.auth = this.auth; }


An instance of a transport class, e.g. SslTransport, responsible for issuing the request against the service.

if (transport) { this.transport = transport; } else { this.transport = this.transport; } if (!this.transport) { throw new TypeError('Expected `transport` option.'); } } module.exports = BaseClient;


Class used to describe requests that are to be issued against the service. Defaults to Request.

BaseClient.prototype.Request = Request;


Promise subclass for a service response. Defaults to Response.

BaseClient.prototype.Response = Response;


Converts query's own-properties and values into a flat list of alternating property names and values. Validates that the the names are not empty; validates the values and casts them to strings if necessary.

Throws TypeError instances for validation errors.

BaseClient.prototype._normalizeQuery = function(query) { return Object.keys(query).reduce(function(result, p) { if (!p) { throw new TypeError('Unexpected empty param name.'); } result.push(p, validationHelpers.castQueryValue(query[p], p)); return result; }, []); };


Converts headers' own-properties and values into a flat list of alternating property names and values. First downcases the property names and checks against other names in the same headers object in case there are case-insensitive duplicates. Validates that the the names are not empty; validates the values and casts them to strings if necessary.

Throws TypeError instances for validation errors.

BaseClient.prototype._normalizeHeaders = function(headers) { var encountered = {}; return Object.keys(headers).reduce(function(result, h) { if (!h) { throw new TypeError('Unexpected empty header name.'); } var lowercased = h.toLowerCase(); if (, lowercased)) { throw new TypeError('Unexpected duplicate `' + h + '` header.'); } encountered[lowercased] = true; result.push(lowercased, validationHelpers.castHeaderValue(headers[h], h)); return result; }, []); };

BaseClient#_issueRequest(method, [options])

Constructs and issues a request using the .transport.

For documentation on options see the Request class.

BaseClient.prototype._issueRequest = function(method, options) { return this.transport.issueRequest( new this.Request(this, method, options || {}), this.Response); };