'use strict'; var blessObject = require('legendary').blessObject; var extendConstructor = require('legendary').extendConstructor; var Promise = require('legendary').Promise; var Thenstream = require('thenstream').Thenstream;


A subclass of Legendary's Promise that represents a service response.

Assumes the fulfillment value will be an IncomingMessage from Node's http module.

function Response(executor) { if (typeof executor !== 'function') { throw new TypeError(); } if (!(this instanceof Response)) { return new Response(executor); } if (executor !== blessObject) { blessObject(this, executor, true); } } module.exports = extendConstructor(Response); function getStatusCode(r) { return r.statusCode; } function getHeaders(r) { return r.headers; } Object.defineProperties(Response.prototype, {


A Promise instance for the status code of the response.

statusCode: { configurable: true, get: function() { if (!this._statusCode) { this._statusCode = this.then(getStatusCode).to(Promise); } return this._statusCode; } },


A Promise instance for the response headers.

headers: { configurable: true, get: function() { if (!this._headers) { this._headers = this.then(getHeaders).to(Promise); } return this._headers; } },


A readable stream for the response body.

stream: { configurable: true, get: function() { if (!this._stream) { this._stream = new Thenstream(this); } return this._stream; } } });