'use strict'; var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var util = require('util'); var BaseRequest = require('./_BaseRequest'); var RequestHandler = require('./_RequestHandler'); var chunkifyForm = require('./_chunkifyForm'); var chunkifyJson = require('./_chunkifyJson'); var warrantPromise = require('./_warrantPromise'); var hop = {}.hasOwnProperty;


Creates a request handling stack. Emits events related to the request lifecycle.


Can be called without new.

function Stack() { if (!(this instanceof Stack)) { return new Stack(); };


Wraps an incoming message in a Helo request. Each stack instance has its own constructor so properties can safely be added to the prototype without affecting other stacks in the same process.

Use Stack#addRequestInitializer() to add properties to the request as it's instantiated.

var initializers = []; this.Request = function(incomingMessage) {, incomingMessage); initializers.forEach(function(func) {; }, this); }; util.inherits(this.Request, BaseRequest);


Configures the default content types for html, json and form responses. Each stack instance has its own object so properties can safely be modified without affecting other stacks in the same process.

this.contentTypes = { html: 'text/html; charset=utf-8', json: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', form: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' };


Helper methods for converting responses into buffers. Only json and form are defined. Each stack instance has its own object so the implementation can safely be overridden without affecting other stacks in the same process.

this.chunkifiers = {

The default json implementation simply uses JSON.stringify(value).

json: chunkifyJson,

The default form implementation can only serialize strings, booleans and finite numbers.

form: chunkifyForm }; this._requestHandler = new RequestHandler( this, this.Request, this.contentTypes, this.chunkifiers); this._initializers = initializers; this._middlewares = []; this._finalized = null; } util.inherits(Stack, EventEmitter); module.exports = Stack;


Registers a function which will be called on a request as it's instantiated. Initializers are called in the order in which they've been registered. They can be added even after the stack has been finalized.

Stack.prototype.addRequestInitializer = function(initializer) { if (typeof initializer !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Expected `initializer` to be a function.'); } this._initializers.push(initializer);

Returns the stack for easy chaining.

return this; };


Registers a factory method that returns a middleware function. When the stack is finalized each factory is called in order to compute the middleware chain. Factories are called with a single argument, being the next function in the chain. They're expected to return a function that takes a single request argument.

This middleware function should either return a response or call the next function with the request. The result of calling the next function will always be a promise, which should be returned or used to change a response.

Cannot be called after the stack has been finalized.

Example factory:

function noop(next) {
  return function(request) {
    return next(request);
Stack.prototype.addMiddleware = function(factory) { if (typeof factory !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Expected `factory` to be a function.'); } if (this._finalized) { throw new Error('Can’t add middleware once finalized.'); } this._middlewares.push(factory);

Returns the stack for easy chaining.

return this; };


Installs a plugin: an object that may have requestInitializer and / or middleware functions.

Stack.prototype.install = function(plugin) { if (!plugin || typeof plugin !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('Expected `plugin` to be an object.'); } if ('requestInitializer' in plugin) { this.addRequestInitializer(plugin.requestInitializer); } if ('middleware' in plugin) { this.addMiddleware(plugin.middleware); }

Returns the stack for easy chaining.

return this; };


Computes the middleware chain, ending with a call to responder. A stack can only be finalized once.

Stack.prototype.finalize = function(responder) { if (this._finalized) { throw new Error('Can’t invoke `finalize()` more than once.'); } if (typeof responder !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Expected `responder` to be a function.'); } this._finalized = this._middlewares.reduceRight(function(next, middleware) { return middleware(warrantPromise(next)); }, responder);

Returns the stack for easy chaining.

return this; };


Define a standard error response. response must be an object with statusCode and chunk properties, and optionally headers. The response is used based on its status code.

The 503 response is used when the response promise is rejected with an error that has a cancel as its name. Similarly if the error has timeout as its name, the 504 response is used. For all other errors the 500 response is used.

Stack.prototype.setErrorResponse = function(response) { if (!response || typeof response !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('Expected `response` to be an object.'); } if (!, 'statusCode')) { throw new TypeError('Expected `response.statusCode`.'); } this._requestHandler.setErrorResponse(response);

Returns the stack for easy chaining.

return this; };


Handles request events emitted by server.

Stack.prototype.observe = function(server) { if (!this._finalized) { throw new Error('Can’t observe server before invoking `finalize()`.'); } this._requestHandler.observe(server, this._finalized);

Returns the stack for easy chaining.

return this; };


Cancels all pending response promises.

Stack.prototype.cancelRequests = function() { this._requestHandler.cancelAll(); };