

Events are emitted from the stack when new requests are made, errors occur, or responses are written.

State object

The first argument for every emitted event is a state object, with the following properties:

  • incomingMessage: The incoming message.
  • outgoingMessage: The outgoing message.
  • request: The request instantiated for the stack.
  • response: The final response that's supposed to be written to the outgoing message.
  • streaming: Whether the response is being streamed to the outgoing message.

request event

Emitted immediately after a request is instantiated.

cancelError event

Emitted when the response promise is rejected with an error whose name is cancel. The error is passed as the second argument.

timeoutError event

Emitted when the response promise is rejected with an error whose name is timeout. The error is passed as the second argument.

internalError event

Emitted when the response promise is rejected with any other error. The error is passed as the second argument.

response event

Emitted just before the headers are written to the outgoing message.

responseFinish event

Emitted when the outgoing message emits its finish event.

responseCancel event

Emitted when the outgoing message emits its close event while the response is being written.

streamingError event

Emitted if errors occurred when piping the response stream. The error is passed as the second argument.

streamObservationFailed event

Emitted when listening for error events from the response stream throws an error. The error is passed as the second argument.