'use strict'; var series = require('./series'); var promise = require('./promise'); var slice = [].slice;


Provides helper methods for orchestrating task execution.

sequence(arrayOfTasks, ...args)

Takes an array of functions ("tasks") to be invoked, in sequence. Returns a Series instance that'll be fulfilled with an array containing the (fulfilled) return value of each task. Tasks will be invoked with the other arguments that are passed.

arrayOfTasks may be a promise for the actual array, and the other arguments may also be promises. However instead of invoking the tasks with the promises, they'll be invoked with the fulfillment values.

If the arrayOfTasks promise or any other argument promise is rejected, the returned promise will be rejected with the same reason. If a task throws or returns a rejected promise, the promise returned by sequence() will be rejected with that error / reason, and no further tasks will be invoked.

Thenables returned by tasks are not assimilated, but instead are treated as objects.

function sequence(arrayOfTasks) { return series.Series.all(, 1)).then(function(args) { return series.Series.from(arrayOfTasks).map(function(task) { return task.apply(undefined, args); }); }); } exports.sequence = sequence;

pipeline(arrayOfTasks, ...firstArgs)

Takes an array of functions ("tasks") to be invoked, in sequence. Each tasks will be invoked with the (fulfilled) return value of the previous task, except for the first task, which will be invoked with the arguments passed to pipeline().

Returns a Promise instance that'll be fulfilled with the return value of the last task. If arrayOfTasks is empty, the returned promise will be fulfilled with undefined.

arrayOfTasks may be a promise for the actual array, and the other arguments may also be promises. However instead of invoking the first task with the promises, it'll be invoked with the fulfillment values.

If the arrayOfTasks promise or any other argument promise is rejected, the returned promise will be rejected with the same reason. If a task throws or returns a rejected promise, the promise returned by pipeline() will be rejected with that error / reason, and no further tasks will be invoked.

Thenables returned by tasks are not assimilated, but instead are treated as objects.

function pipeline(arrayOfTasks) { return promise.Promise.all(, 1) ).then(function(firstArgs) { var value; function perform(task) { var outcome; if (firstArgs) { outcome = task.apply(undefined, firstArgs); firstArgs = null; } else { outcome = task(value); } if (promise.Promise.isInstance(outcome)) { return outcome.then(function(outcome) { value = outcome; }); } else { value = outcome; } } return series.Series.from(arrayOfTasks) .each(perform) .then(function() { return value; }); }); } exports.pipeline = pipeline;

parallel(arrayOfTasks, ...args)

Takes an array of functions ("tasks") to be invoked, in parallel. Returns a Series instance that'll be fulfilled with an array containing the (fulfilled) return value of each task. Tasks will be invoked with the other arguments that are passed.

arrayOfTasks may be a promise for the actual array, and the other arguments may also be promises. However instead of invoking the tasks with the promises, they'll be invoked with the fulfillment values.

If the arrayOfTasks promise or any other argument promise is rejected, the returned promise will be rejected with the same reason. If a task throws or returns a rejected promise, the promise returned by parallel() will be rejected with that error / reason. Since all tasks run in parallel, only when a task throws synchronously are no other tasks invoked, otherwise their return values or possible errors are discarded.

Thenables returned by tasks are not assimilated, but instead are treated as objects.

function parallel(arrayOfTasks) { return series.Series.all(, 1)).then(function(args) { return series.Series.from(arrayOfTasks) .mapParallel(Infinity, function(task) { return task.apply(undefined, args); }); }); } exports.parallel = parallel;