'use strict'; var promise = require('./promise'); var blessed = require('./private/blessed'); var trampoline = require('./private/trampoline'); var util = require('./private/util');


A subclass of Promise that makes it easier to interact with promises-for-arrays. Thus, a Series promise is expected to be fulfilled with an array.

The instance methods listed below all return promises. Unless noted otherwise they'll return a new Series promise. If the original promise is fulfilled with a value other than an array, the returned promise will (unless noted otherwise), be fulfilled with a new, empty array. If the original promise is rejected, the returned promise will be rejected with the same reason.

Iterator callbacks are called with items from the array. No other arguments are passed. The callbacks may return a value or a Promise instance. thenables are not assimilated.

Parallelization controls the number of pending promises (as returned by an iterator callback) an operation is waiting on. Per operation no new callbacks are invoked when this number reaches the maximum concurrency.

function Series(executor) { if (typeof executor !== 'function') { throw new TypeError(); } if (!(this instanceof Series)) { return new Series(executor); } if (executor !== {, executor, true); } }

Besides instance methods, the following class methods are inherited from Promise:

  • Series.isInstance()
  • Series.from()
  • Series.rejected()
  • Series.all()
  • Series.any()
  • Series.some()
  • Series.join()
  • Series.denodeify()
exports.Series = blessed.extended(Series); function nextTurn(func, value) { trampoline.nextTurn({ resolve: function() { func(value); } }); } function produceValue(promiseOrValue) { if (promise.Promise.isInstance(promiseOrValue)) { return promiseOrValue.inspectState().value; } else { return promiseOrValue; } } function invokeCancel(promiseOrValue) { if (promise.Promise.isInstance(promiseOrValue)) { promiseOrValue.cancel(); } } function prepForSort(iterator) { var index = 0; return function(item) { var wrapped = { sourceIndex: index++ }; var result = iterator(item); if (promise.Promise.isInstance(result)) { return result.then(function(sortValue) { wrapped.sortValue = sortValue; return wrapped; }); } else { wrapped.sortValue = result; return wrapped; } }; } function sortInstructions(a, b) { return a.sortValue < b.sortValue ? -1 : 1; }


Maps each value in the array using iterator, eventually resulting in an array with the returned (promise fulfillment) values. = function(iterator) { return this.mapParallel(1, iterator); };

Series#mapParallel(maxConcurrent, iterator)

See Series#map(iterator).

(You may notice all other operations build on top of this method.)

Series.prototype.mapParallel = function(maxConcurrent, iterator) { return util.guardArray(this, [], function(arr) { if (typeof maxConcurrent !== 'number') { throw new TypeError('Missing max concurrency number.'); } if (typeof iterator !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Missing iterator function.'); } return new Series(function(resolve, reject) { var index = 0, stopAt = arr.length; var acc = new Array(stopAt); var reachedEnd = false; var running = 0; function oneCompleted() { running--; runConcurrent(); } function oneFailed(reason) { reachedEnd = true; running = -1; reject(reason); } function runConcurrent() { if (reachedEnd) { if (running === 0) { resolve(; } return; } if (running >= maxConcurrent) { return; } try { running++; var result = acc[index] = iterator(arr[index]); index++; reachedEnd = reachedEnd || index === stopAt; if (promise.Promise.isInstance(result)) { result.then(oneCompleted, oneFailed); } else { oneCompleted(); } runConcurrent(); } catch (error) { oneFailed(error); } } nextTurn(runConcurrent); return function() { reachedEnd = true; running = -1; acc.forEach(invokeCancel); }; }); }); };


Iterates over each item in the array. Returns a Promise that is fulfilled with undefined when the iteration has completed.

Series.prototype.each = function(iterator) { return this.mapParallel(1, iterator) .then(util.makeUndefined).to(promise.Promise); };

Series#eachParallel(maxConcurrent, iterator)

See Series#each(iterator).

Series.prototype.eachParallel = function(maxConcurrent, iterator) { return this.mapParallel(maxConcurrent, iterator) .then(util.makeUndefined).to(promise.Promise); };


Filters the array, eventually resulting in an array containing the items for which iterator returned a truey (promise fulfillment) value.

Series.prototype.filter = function(iterator) { return this.mapParallel(1, util.skipIfFalsy(iterator)) .then(util.removeSkipped); };

Series#filterParallel(maxConcurrent, iterator)

See Series#filter(iterator). The resulting array retains the order of the original array.

Series.prototype.filterParallel = function(maxConcurrent, iterator) { return this.mapParallel(maxConcurrent, util.skipIfFalsy(iterator)) .then(util.removeSkipped); };


Filters the array, eventually resulting in an array containing the items for which iterator returned a falsey (promise fulfillment) value.

Series.prototype.filterOut = function(iterator) { return this.mapParallel(1, util.skipIfTruthy(iterator)) .then(util.removeSkipped); };

Series#filterOutParallel(maxConcurrent, iterator)

See Series#filterOut(iterator). The resulting array retains the order of the original array.

Series.prototype.filterOutParallel = function(maxConcurrent, iterator) { return this.mapParallel(maxConcurrent, util.skipIfTruthy(iterator)) .then(util.removeSkipped); };


Iterates over each item in the array, eventually resulting in an flattened array containing the returned (promise fulfillment) values.

Series.prototype.concat = function(iterator) { return this.mapParallel(1, iterator).then(util.flatten); };

Series#concatParallel(maxConcurrent, iterator)

See Series#concat(iterator). The items in the resulting array are ordered by when the iterator that returned them was invoked, not when its returned promise fulfilled.

Series.prototype.concatParallel = function(maxConcurrent, iterator) { return this.mapParallel(maxConcurrent, iterator).then(util.flatten); };

Series#foldl(initialValue, iterator)

Folds the array into another value, starting with the first item. At each stage, iterator is called with the result of the folding operation at that point, and an item from the array. Returns a Promise instance for the result of the folding operation.

Unlike Array#reduce() the initial value must be passed as the first argument. initialValue may be a promise, iterator won't be called until initialValue has fulfilled. If it rejects, the returned promise is rejected with the same reason.

This method has no parallel equivalent. Use Series#mapParallel() to collect values concurrently, and then use this method with a synchronous iterator.

Series.prototype.foldl = function(initialValue, iterator) { return util.guardArray(this, initialValue, function(arr) { return new promise.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var index = 0, stopAt = arr.length; var reachedEnd = false; var currentPromise; function applyIterator(value) { if (reachedEnd) { resolve(value); return; } try { value = iterator(value, arr[index]); index++; reachedEnd = reachedEnd || index === stopAt; if (promise.Promise.isInstance(value)) { currentPromise = value; value.then(applyIterator, reject); } else { applyIterator(value); } } catch (error) { reject(error); } } if (promise.Promise.isInstance(initialValue)) { currentPromise = initialValue.then(applyIterator, reject); } else { nextTurn(applyIterator, initialValue); } return function() { if (currentPromise) { currentPromise.cancel(); } reachedEnd = true; }; }); }).to(promise.Promise); };

Series#foldr(initialValue, iterator)

Like Series#foldl(), but starts with the last item in the array.

Series.prototype.foldr = function(initialValue, iterator) { return util.guardArray(this, initialValue, function(arr) { return new promise.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var index = arr.length - 1; var reachedEnd = false; var currentPromise; function applyIterator(value) { if (reachedEnd) { resolve(value); return; } try { value = iterator(value, arr[index]); index--; reachedEnd = reachedEnd || index < 0; if (promise.Promise.isInstance(value)) { currentPromise = value; value.then(applyIterator, reject); } else { applyIterator(value); } } catch (error) { reject(error); } } if (promise.Promise.isInstance(initialValue)) { currentPromise = initialValue.then(applyIterator, reject); } else { nextTurn(applyIterator, initialValue); } return function() { if (currentPromise) { currentPromise.cancel(); } reachedEnd = true; }; }); }).to(promise.Promise); };


Iterates over the array, returning a Promise instance that will be fulfilled with the item for which iterator first returned a truey (promise fulfillment) value. If no match is found, the promise will be fulfilled with undefined.

Iteration is stopped when the promise is fulfilled.

Series.prototype.detect = function(iterator) { return this.detectParallel(1, iterator); };

Series#detectParallel(maxConcurrent, iterator)

See Series#detect(iterator). Each promise returned by the iterator is racing the other promises to fulfill with a truey value first. The returned promise will be fulfilled with the item for which that promise was returned from iterator.

Series.prototype.detectParallel = function(maxConcurrent, iterator) { return this.mapParallel(maxConcurrent, util.shortcutDetect(iterator)) .to(promise.Promise) .then(util.makeUndefined, util.extractShortcutValue); };


Iterates over the array, returning a Promise instance that will be fulfilled with true if an iterator returns a truey (promise fulfillment) value, or false if no iterator does so.

Iteration is stopped when the promise is fulfilled.

Series.prototype.some = function(iterator) { return this.someParallel(1, iterator); };

Series#someParallel(maxConcurrent, iterator)

See Series#some(iterator).

Series.prototype.someParallel = function(maxConcurrent, iterator) { return this.mapParallel(maxConcurrent, util.shortcutSome(iterator)) .to(promise.Promise) .then(util.strictlyTrue, util.extractShortcutValue); };


Iterates over the array, returning a Promise instance that will be fulfilled with true if all iterations return a truey (promise fulfillment) value, or false when the an iteration does not.

Iteration is stopped when the promise is fulfilled.

Series.prototype.every = function(iterator) { return this.everyParallel(1, iterator); };

Series#everyParallel(maxConcurrent, iterator)

See Series#every(iterator).

Series.prototype.everyParallel = function(maxConcurrent, iterator) { return this.mapParallel(maxConcurrent, util.shortcutNotEvery(iterator)) .to(promise.Promise) .then(util.makeTrue, util.extractShortcutValue); };


Sorts the array, using iterator to map each item to a sort value. Relies on Array#sort(compareFunction), with each sort value being passed to the compare function:

 function compareFunction(a, b) {
   return a < b ? -1 : 1;

Eventually modifies and returns the original array.

Series.prototype.sortBy = function(iterator) { return this.sortByParallel(1, iterator); };

Series#sortByParallel(maxConcurrent, iterator)

See Series#sortBy(iterator).

Series.prototype.sortByParallel = function(maxConcurrent, iterator) { var self = this; return self.then(function(arr) { if (!Array.isArray(arr) || arr.length === 0) { return arr; } return self.mapParallel(maxConcurrent, prepForSort(iterator)) .then(function(instructions) { instructions.sort(sortInstructions); var copy = arr.slice(); for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) { arr[i] = copy[instructions[i].sourceIndex]; } return arr; }); }); };